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Le Collège des médecins du Québec doit rejeter l’infanticide / Quebec College of Physicians must Reject Infanticide

Signatures à ce jour / Signatures to date: 1 411

Photo : Pixabay

Au Collège des médecins du Québec

Le 7 octobre 2022, le Dr Louis Roy s’est adressé au Comité parlementaire chargé de revoir la loi canadienne sur l’euthanasie. Il l’a fait en tant que représentant de votre organisation et des médecins du Québec.

Dans sa déclaration, consignée au dossier parlementaire, il a demandé l’euthanasie des enfants de moins d’un an atteints de « malformations sévères » et de « syndromes très sévères, graves », dont « l’espérance de survie est pour ainsi dire nulle. » En d’autres termes, parlant en votre nom, il a demandé instamment le meurtre effectif de nourrissons difformes et malades — des bébés dans leur berceau ! C’est ce qu’on appelle « l’infanticide », pratique barbare inadmissible et infraction au Code criminel.

Je suis indigné et horrifié par cette proposition. Chaque enfant compte, quel que soit son âge, sa race, son handicap, sa difformité ou sa maladie. Leur droit divin à la vie doit être respecté et ils doivent recevoir de nos professionnels de la santé les traitements, les soins et la compassion appropriés et favorables à la vie. Il ne doit pas être question d’assassiner un enfant vulnérable souffrant de maladie ou de difformité. Même la pensée d’un tel acte, qui est enracinée dans la discrimination et les préjugés, doit être bannie de l’esprit de chaque médecin.

Inclusion Canada, une fédération nationale de treize organisations de défense des droits des personnes souffrant de déficience intellectuelle, déclare : « Le Canada ne peut pas se mettre à tuer des bébés lorsque les médecins prédisent qu’il n’y a aucun espoir pour eux. Les prédictions sont bien trop souvent fondées sur des postulats discriminatoires concernant la vie avec handicap. » Elle note également que « fournir l’AMM [euthanasie] à une personne qui ne peut consentir est une norme extrêmement dangereuse pour tous ceux souffrant de déficience intellectuelle au Canada. »

Par conséquent, je vous demande de renoncer officiellement à votre politique en faveur de l’infanticide et de réaffirmer votre mission historique de guérison et de soins, qui se résume par les mots du serment d’Hippocrate, qui engage à « ne pas nuire ».

Je vous demande également d’instaurer une nouvelle politique visant à discipliner les médecins comme le Dr Louis Roy, qui prônent l’infanticide. Afin de rétablir la confiance de la population dans le système de santé québécois, les médecins qui font la promotion d’activités criminelles et qui sapent les droits de la personne doivent être sanctionnés.


***English version***

TO: Quebec College of Physicians

On October 7, 2022, Dr. Louis Roy addressed the Parliamentary Committee tasked with reviewing Canada’s euthanasia law. He did so as a representative of your organization and of Quebec doctors.

In his statement, entered into the parliamentary record, he called for the euthanasia killing of children under age one with “severe malformations” and “grave and severe syndromes”, whose “survival is null, so to speak.” In other words, speaking on your behalf, he has urged the actual murder of deformed and sick infants – babies in their cribs! This is known as “infanticide”, a barbaric, unconscionable practice and Criminal Code offence.

I am outraged and horrified by this proposal. Every child matters, regardless of their age, race, disability, deformity, or sickness. Their God-given right to life must be respected, and they must receive appropriate, life-affirming treatment, care, and compassion from our medical professionals. There must be no option to murder a vulnerable child experiencing any sickness or deformity. Even the thought of such an act, which is rooted in discrimination and prejudice, must be banished from every doctor’s mind.

Inclusion Canada, a national federation of thirteen intellectual disability rights organizations, states: “Canada cannot begin killing babies when doctors predict there is no hope for them. Predictions are far too often based on discriminatory assumptions about life with a disability.” They also note that “providing MAiD [euthanasia] to a person who cannot consent is a standard that is wildly dangerous for all persons with intellectual disabilities in Canada.”

Therefore, I am calling on you to officially renounce your policy in favour of infanticide and to reaffirm your historic mission of healing and caring, which is summed up in the words of the Hippocratic Oath, pledging to “do no harm”.

I am also calling on you to initiate a new policy to discipline doctors like Dr. Louis Roy, who advocate for infanticide. In order to restore the public’s trust in Quebec health care, doctors who promote criminal activities and undermine human rights must be punished.

Signatures à ce jour / Signatures to date: 1 411


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  • Profile Photo
    signed 2022-11-10 15:45:13 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-10 17:40:57 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-11 09:58:28 -0500
    Le droit à la vie est un droit fondamental. Il n’appartient pas à un humain de décider de vie ou de mort sur un autre humain. Sinon on Apple ça de l’eugénisme !
  • Profile Photo
    signed 2022-11-11 14:32:06 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-11 14:32:22 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-11 14:34:09 -0500
  • Profile Photo
    signed 2022-11-11 15:06:17 -0500
  • Profile Photo
    signed 2022-11-11 15:39:09 -0500
  • Profile Photo
    signed 2022-11-11 15:40:44 -0500
    Non au meurtre des bébés !
  • signed 2022-11-11 15:41:00 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-11 15:52:55 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-11 15:59:05 -0500
    Hell for Sponsors and Performers:

    NDE (www.nderf.org) : I prefer to remain anonymous because of what those who did not believe me put me through.

    It was about 2 years ago, I remember it like it was yesterday. I got into Gareth’s car, my friend.

    It was actually his father’s vehicle and he wasn’t even supposed to take it. I don’t know how he got it. We had been drinking earlier that night. I knew he shouldn’t have driven, but I really needed a ride home because it was late. We argued over nonsense the whole way,dansa moment of rage he slammed on the accelerator and tried to spin. Thinking about it now, he used to bully people into shutting up; he was that crazy. Hey! In my next memory, I was being stretchereddansa large room. I felt like I had been punctureddansthe head and chest by metal or something.

    The sequel is very, very clear. I remember it really well. Seconds later I started floating out of my body and going through a strange tunnel of light, like I had taken some weird drug or something. I did not know where I was going, but I understood that I did not control the direction towards which I was drawn. I couldn’t stop or turn or anything. Everything seemed to be going well. For a split second, I thought I was going to heaven, but suddenly something happened. I stopped short,dansthe tunnel anddansa flash I started falling, speeding, speeding again and again. I had the impression of falling vertically, I was heading towards a kind of black hole. The darkness was such that it could have been cut with a knife. Still falling, I began to hear screams, cries of excruciating pain, horrible, horrible laughter and the most putrid smell imaginable. Then the darkness turned into an inferno, I felldansthe direction of a huge fire. This one started to consume me. I started screaming. I don’t know how far my voice carried, but I know that I was shouting very loudly. I landed on my back, crashed hard on what felt like rocks, felt excruciating pain all over my body, or that new shell, whatever it was.

    Opening my eyes, I suddenly realized that I was not alone, indeed creatures, things with distorted forms began to grab me, one by one, they grabbed me starting to drag me towards what appeared to be a huge black portal. I started kicking, screaming, shouting at the top of my lungs to Allah, Buddha or God…everyone I heard aboutdansreligious education class to help me, but he didn’t. still nothing happened. A giant creature started to tear the skin on my back, with its claws it seems, another started to tear my hair, the pain being so strong that I was nauseous.

    Another kicked me down, climbing on my chest laughing, making fun of my personal problems (my mother’s death when I was born, my sisterdansprison, my friend Gareth who drove the car that drove me had killed), she seemed to know me. I have such a memory of the smell, it was so odious, reminiscent of rotting flesh and burnt hair. The shrill laughter and teasing at me was almost drowned out by the roar of the flames around me. Suddenly I saw people running around screaming, a group of teenagers aged 12 and over screaming, each being terrified and literally torn to pieces by these evil beings. Suddenly, without a shadow of a doubt I identified Gareth (the boy who wasdansthe car with me). He hung upside down with his hands and feet nailed down, almost like Jesus on the cross (I remembered reading thatdansclass a few weeks before). The creatures started whipping him together, all singingdansa language I didn’t really understand. The fire had just consumed what it was nailed to, the flesh of the hands, chest and head had begun to melt and peel. I looked at his face, he was TERRIFIED!!! He started screaming uncontrollably, begging them to stop.

    My body or soul, whatever you want to call it, suddenly burst into flames from the fire on the floor. I started screaming, “God, please help me. ". I suddenly realized that the more I invoked God, the more the creatures tried to hurt me, the more angry they got, the more agitated and frustrated they got. “Please God. I finally begged, seconds before deciding to give up.Suddenly a great suction tore me from their claws, bringing me back into the tunnel. I woke up to the sound of the doctor’s voice.
  • Profile Photo
    signed 2022-11-11 16:29:07 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-11 16:41:22 -0500
  • Profile Photo
    signed 2022-11-11 16:50:58 -0500
  • signed 2022-11-11 16:59:51 -0500
    Je suis contre l’euthanasie quel qu’il soit !
  • Profile Photo
    signed 2022-11-11 17:48:03 -0500
  • Profile Photo
    signed 2022-11-11 18:31:48 -0500
  • Profile Photo
    signed 2022-11-11 18:40:29 -0500
    Ben voyons donc !!!
  • Profile Photo
    signed 2022-11-11 19:21:03 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-11 19:43:29 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-11 21:24:52 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-11 23:45:26 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-12 01:08:18 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-12 03:47:20 -0500
  • Profile Photo
    signed 2022-11-12 05:10:32 -0500
  • Profile Photo
    signed 2022-11-12 05:52:34 -0500
    Un scandale un génocide supplémentaire ,.a dénoncer . A refuser qui sont ces criminels ?? De quel droit ?

    Stoppons cette décisions de suite.
  • signed 2022-11-12 06:16:45 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-12 07:19:49 -0500
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    signed 2022-11-12 07:35:47 -0500